This post identifies concrete actions. See also: Acceptance Tests and Models for Success.
The final step was to identify concrete actions that the Scrum Alliance organization and membership can take to move toward the goals associated with specific parts of each model. This is the list we came up with. Each item was given a “thumbs up” or support vote. (There was only one thumbs down, but this was cleared with further discussion/explanation).
- Create an initial Product Backlog of actions and desired future conditions. This list is a start.
- Make that backlog visible to all members.
- Create a mechanism to make it easy for members to volunteer for tasks associated with items on the backlog.
- Find someone (or several persons) to facilitate the volunteer mechanism.
- Develop ways to detect new trends and opportunities that may impact the SA and/or be influenced by the SA – eg. the new PMI/Agile certification program.
- Develop a means for official public response to such trends and opportunities.
- Start/continue building “bridges” with related communities involved with such trends and opportunities.
- Apply Scrum/Lean/Agile tools (timeboxes, teams, iterations, WIP limits) to work on these backlog items and management of the overall SA portfolio.
Note: Sorry we didn’t get everyone in the picture…
- Bob Allen
- Brad Swanson
- Chris Sims
- James Smith
- Heidi Helfand
- Mark Levison

- Bjorn Jensen
- Christoph “Krishan” Mathis
- Carol McEwan
- Roger Brown
- Henrik Kniberg
- Skip Angel

More photos can be found on Flickr.