CodeBreaking Emotions Training
Introduction (Level 1)
Discover the Surprising Truth about How Your Emotional System Really Works
We’ve been lied to about how our emotional system actually works. Finding peace and balance in life is achievable … and the key to success.
People who know the secret believe this should be taught in kindergarten. We believe this information is your birthright.
Welcome to a guided introduction to Emotional Science.

CodeBreaking Emotions Training
Introduction (Level 1)
Discover the Surprising Truth about How Your Emotional System Really Works
We’ve been lied to about how our emotional system actually works. Finding peace and balance in life is achievable … and the key to success. People who know the secret believe this should be taught in kindergarten. We believe this information is your birthright.
Welcome to a guided introduction to Emotional Science.

CodeBreaking Emotions Webinar Registration
Thursday, May 5th
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
Join us for an introduction to CodeBreaking Emotions.
Do You Experience Any of the Following?
Your amygdala performs an emotional hijacking. It’s normal. And there is no need to let your emotional system take you out.
Create the life you desire
It’s impossible to control emotions. But you can learn to surf them. Here’s how:
Emotional literacy: identify and assess challenging emotions
Activate awareness of the mind-body connection governing emotions
Use the 8 step Emotional Freedom System to recover from challenging emotional reactions
Apply the Get Clear Technique to clear the root of your emotional charge to be the calm in the midst of any storm
Learn how to get negative emotions out of the way to stop sabotaging yourself and unlock your success

“Forget all you’ve heard… Be prepared to meet the unexpected within yourself.”
E. Ayberk
“Simplified a deep topic to something with practical applicability whilst remaining insightful, honest, and true.”
R. Bunning
“Michael and Audree take you on a metaphysical, physical, and analytical magic carpet ride that supports your growth.”
M. de la Maza
“The training is highly valuable. After the session, it all seemed obvious but the process was insightful and liberating. I realized I was creating the issue.”
S. Kinsey
Emotions are the Foundation of Psychological Safety
At work or at home, psychological safety is essential for humans to function at their potential.
Psychological Safety is the absence of Fear.
The question is not do I feel safe, but how safe do I feel? With the mastery of one’s emotional system, it’s possible to access the higher levels of safety needed to be fully effective. Ultimately safety is about how we process information. Change how you process emotions to master your reality.

Register for the Training