Here is my Games Landscape Infographic and slides from my Agile Games 2012 keynote presentation.
Play is a powerful tool for achieving business results. A common question is, how can I do this in my current work environment? The purpose of this talk is to orient you to a variety of different ways that you can introduce play to solve real-world problems. Whether you are a leader, coach, and even individual contributor, there are ways to amplify the workplace with play. Welcome to a guided tour of the play landscape. This guided tour will help you navigate the different techniques with the space of games and play in order to see how they can help you. We will start our journey with ways to harness the power of play through games to do valuable work. Next stop is about using games for accelerated, deep learning. At the peak of the tour we visit the ways we can develop our play skills. The final stop on our tour is how to embedded play into our work contexts. At the end of the tour you will have a map for exploring play and perhaps even a burning curiousity about some newly discovered places.
Importance of Play
For the infographic on Stuart Brown’s book on Play, please refer to The Science of Play.