The Advice Process allows organizations to balance speed and quality of decisions. Use it to create more engaged and effective workers.
Advice Process Summary
The diagram below summarizes the key points to know about the advice process. There is someone – the decider – who will make a decision on how to move the organization forward. They get input from other people in the organization. That helps get to a better decision. And build relationships. They talk to people with experience making this type of decision, people from different parts of org and level to get perspective and the people impacted.

At the bottom of the diagram, we can see the foundation needed to fully implement the advice process. Use of the advice process also help cultivate these. So we don’t need all of it to be in place to get started.
How to Introduce the Advice Process
I use advice cards to introduce the advice process in a gradual way. As a result, we may develop the foundation of safety and trust. See: Improve Decision-Making with Advice Cards
Advice Process Slides
Here are the slides I created for my Agile2016 and Agile Toronto 2016.